4,5,6 2003 Agenda
March 4, 2003 Tuesday
11:00am - 12noon ITC Building
Webcast featuring Sonia C. Gallegos
Connect to the webcast through
2:00pm 229 Dixon Hall
IEEE-GRSS Distinguished Lecture Series - Sonia C. Gallegos
6:00pm Reception in 232 Dixon
Hall (evening attire)
Undergraduate Research Poster Session and Exhibits
Greetings - Chancellor Mickey Burnim
Remarks - Dr. Carolyn Mahoney, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Remarks - Dr. Ronald Blackmon, Dean of the School of Mathematics,
Science and Technology
Remarks from Mr. James Harrington, Director MU-SPIN/GSFC
Remarks from Mr. Charles Luther, President IEEE-GRSS
Musical Selection
Signing of MOU with Pixoneer
Signing of MOU with SeaSpace Corp.
(Entertainment provided by Jazz Connection)
March 5, 2003 Wednesday
8:30 - 11:30am and 2:00 - 4:00pm
Training Workshops (DH - Dixon Hall LH - Lester Hall)
229 DH - Earth 2.0 - Mohamed Mohamed of Pixoneer Corp.
231 DH - TeraScan Operations - Mike Crowley of SeaSpace Inc.
115 LH - Distributed Image Spreadsheet - Dr. K. Palaniappan and
Joshua Fraser, University of Missouri
12:00 - 1:30pm Luncheon - 107
K. E. White Graduate Center
2:00 - 4:00pm 229 Dixon Hall
Training Continues
4:00 - 5:30pm 232 Dixon Hall
Strategy Sessions
Funding Opportunities - Patricia Gibbs
Marine Mammal Investigations – Dr. Kevin Chu and David Noble
5:30pm Dinner on your own
March 6, 2003 Thursday
8:00 - 9:30am Breakfast and Closing
at the Hampton Inn
10:00am Boat Tours of the Albemarle
Sound Area and the Dismal
Swamp Canal - Dr. Maurice Powers